Sorry I don't normally speak politics here but I can't resist the urge to put my two penny worth in.
Until Thatcher came along I never saw as many beggers on the street , people sleeping rough, unemployed able bodied men by the millions, lines of people around the block queing for petty work with big businesses not even bothering to acknowledge job applications . What I did see though were plenty of bankers and speculators also politicians must not forget them getting very wealthy and we all know what that led to . I saw the decline in house building and the decimation of manufacturing in the UK all of it sent overseas for cheap labour to do and we all know that lead to the slave labour wage service industry here. I saw plenty of riots on the street I have seen the decimation of the coal industry now people particulary the elderly cannot afford to heat their homes. The fishing industry has been practically ruined now of course we eat horse meat and we didn't even know it until someone discovered it mixed in with the beef. We were promised better times because we had North Sea Oil what we ended up with was communities particulary in the North of England split assunder. We got was large privatised water, gas, electric companies etc. making vast profits at the expensive of ordinary decent hard working people and now the the Government is taxing us to the hilt and giving it to the banks. I have seen soup kitchens never saw them until Thatcher. Food banks, once unheard of they keep opening up here there and everywhere but the powers that be say that we are going to introduce food stamps. So that makes it ok then does it?
I could go on and on and many will say what have modern day problems got to do with Thatcher the answer is simple her ruthless uncaring policies led to how millions in the UK live today.
Right ! now I shall go back to reading about unprinciplled cult leaders who like to screw cash for books out of the unwary.